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3 Common Pests And How To Get Rid Of Them

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If you're like many people, you probably enjoy having guests at your house, as long as those guests are invited! Unfortunately, pests show up at your house without an invitation, and they can make themselves comfortable and move in. Luckily, you can get rid of most pests with a little help. Here are four common pests that might be living in your house and tips to help you get rid of them.

1. Ants 

You may find that ants come into your house at certain times of the year. According to Stanford, heavy rain and hot, dry summers both make ants seek shelter indoors. While the weather may make ants more likely to enter your home at certain times of the year, you can still keep them out by following a few simple steps. Most grocery and convenience stores sell ant traps which bait ants into eating poison, which they take back to their colonies. These traps are very effective at eradicating ant infestations. You can also try sprinkling powdered cinnamon around your windows and doors since cinnamon is a natural ant repellent.

2. Roaches

Roaches are another common household pest. They're opportunistic creatures that may show up in your house if they find easily accessible food. You can prevent a roach infestation by throwing away food wrappers and other trash immediately. You should also wash your dishes and put away any leftovers in a timely manner to avoid attracting roaches. If you already have a roach problem in your home, you can call roach control services. A pest control expert will come to your house to exterminate your roaches. They can also leave traps that will catch any roaches they may have missed, so you won't have to worry about any bugs coming back in the future.

3. Bedbugs

Bedbugs are small black bugs that can live in mattresses and linens. They're hard to see since they're so small, so you'll usually find out you have bed bugs by noticing itchy red bites on your exposed skin, usually when you wake up in the morning. Bedbugs can be very hard to get rid of, so you'll need to call a professional. While your house is undergoing bedbug treatment, you'll have to stay somewhere else for a night or two. This is because bedbug control services use chemicals to completely eliminate your bed bug problem. Make sure to also thoroughly wash or throw away any soft, porous material that may have become infested with bedbugs.
