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Invasion Of Fruit Flies In Your Home? Why Are They There And What Can You Do

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If you have an invasion of fruit flies in your house, it can be very annoying and distracting to constantly wave these pests away from you. If you have a problem with these pests, they are there because of something either that you have in your home, or because of something you've done. Fruit flies tend to multiply rather quickly, so before you end up with a lot of these pests flying about, you need to begin to take action. Read on for a few reasons why these pests may be in your home in the first place and what you can do about them.

You Have An Indoor Garden

If you have an indoor garden that you have growing inside your house, it may be attracting these pests. Your potting soil may have so much moisture that it is attracting these pests to it. You may also have other pests because of this indoor garden. If you have an indoor garden, be sure the plants have plenty of drainage to prevent the extra moisture and clean up the extra moisture to prevent these pests. Even if you don't have a garden but you have a lot of house plants, keep an eye out for these pests. Spraying the plants with a solution of apple cider vinegar and water can help get rid of these pests as well.

You Have A Clogged Drain

If you have a clog in your drain, it could be causing a problem with fruit flies in your home. If you have a lot of fruit flies flying around your kitchen in particular, you could have a clog of food in your drain and it's causing fruit flies to nest in the clog. You need to clear the clog to get rid of the pests. You can clear the clog using a drain cleaning liquid, or a snake. If you clear the drain though, you still may have the fruit flies. Set out an apple cider vinegar trap using a shallow dish of apple cider vinegar and a small amount of dish soap.

If you have a fruit fly invasion in your home, you need to make some changes in your home to get rid of them. Remember to use the drain stop in your kitchen sink and also toss old fruits and vegetables that may be over-ripe. Also be sure your house plants have plenty of drainage. If you continue to have an issue with fruit flies, call a pest control specialist.
