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Tips for Controlling Ants Around Your Property

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Do you have an ant problem that you need to take care of? If so, it will help to know the following tips for getting rid of ants for good.

Use Non-Repellent Sprays 

When spraying products outside your home to deal with ants, make sure that you are not using ant repellent. These are going to just drive the ants away from the spray and not actually get rid of them. You'll want to use a spray that is a non-repellent that will kill the ants, since they are designed in a way that the ants cannot feel, taste, or smell the chemicals. 

The goal is that the ants will walk through the treated area and get the poison on their feet. They then go back to their nest where the poison is taken with them, which then gets into the nest through a transfer effect. It can take a few days for the transfer effect to work with bringing the poison into the nest, and then even more time to start killing off the ants. That's why it's important to give plenty of time for it to work, and keep reapplying the spray to ensure that all the ants are transferring the poison to the nest. 

Know How To Apply The Spray

The key to applying an ant spray is to know where to apply it. You'll want to go around the perimeter of your entire home to ensure you are spraying where the ants are getting in. Apply the spray in a sweeping motion so that it covers your home about a foot above the ground, as well as a foot away from the structure. This will help get the spray in every possible place where ants could be getting in. if you just spayed the ground then you may miss their entry point. You will also want to apply the spray to others areas where they could be getting in. This includes around door frames, windows, ventilation pipes, and utility cable openings. 

Use Outdoor Ant Bait

Using ant bait is another way to get to the ants that are not getting into your home. You can purchase bait stations where you can put a liquid and granular bait for the ant to take, since ants typically like one or the other. Simply place the bait stations in areas where you see ants outdoors, and all of those ants will be sure to take the bait back to their nest and kill off the rest of the colony.

For more information on pest control, contact a Integrity Pest Solutions in Columbus, OH.
