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Keeping Geese Away From Your Business' Property

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If you are a business owner and you have noticed geese congregating upon your property often, you likely want to find a way to have them move to another location. Since geese can cause destruction to grounds if they are left for an entire season, it is best to take action to have them relocate if possible. Here are some steps you can take to protect your property so it does not become a home to geese.

Scare Flocks Away From Your Land 

Geese will not stay in an area where they feel as if they are being threatened. The coyote is a predator that geese need to tend with. Purchase a coyote decoy and set it up on an area of your property where you have seen geese in large numbers. This will help to keep geese from getting too close to this area. After a few days, move the coyote to another location. This will help to keep the geese from getting too comfortable with the decoy's presence. 

Use Sounds To Keep Geese Away

In addition to using decoys, sounds will also keep geese away from particular areas of your property. Purchase or download pre-recorded sounds of goose calls and the screeches of birds of prey. When these are played upon speakers, geese will move away from the areas where the sounds are heard. These sounds usually work well in tandem with the use of coyote decoys.

Try Some Natural Repellents

There are several repellents on the market that can be used to keep geese off of property grounds. These are usually sprayed upon the grass and plants on the land. Geese will not eat the plants if they are doused with a solution that does not taste good to them. You may need to reapply the solution after a precipitation event to keep these birds from grazing upon your plants.

Contact A Professional

If you are unable to get a handle on a goose problem on your own, contact a pest control service in your area that specializes in goose contract tactics. Be sure to alert the service of the actions you have already tried so they do not duplicate your efforts. These pest control services will work all year long at keeping geese off of your grounds for good. They are also available to answer any questions you have about the habits of geese if you need to try a new tactic for their removal.

For more information, contact a local company, like Goose Masters.
