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Bed Bugs In Your Bed? How You Can Get Them And How To Get Them Out

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If you see bed bugs in your bed, you need to take quick steps to get them out. This is something that can be difficult for a homeowner to do on their own. Because of this, you might consider hiring a bed bug pest control service. They have the knowledge and expertise to get them out. Below is information on how they do this, as well as on how you can get bed bugs in the first place. 

How Bed Bugs Get In

The most common way to get bed bugs is while traveling. The hotel you stay at may have bed bugs you do not know about. If so, they can easily get into your luggage to come home with you. Once home and you unpack, they can quickly get out and then get in your bed. 

If you have not traveled, you can still get bed bugs. It is possible that your neighbors have them and they have traveled to your home. Even though bed bugs like to feed on people that are sleeping, they can still be found in areas where people are awake and sitting still. This could be in your office, a neighbor's home, or at a movie theater. 

If you have purchased used items lately whether that be in person or online, bed bugs may be hiding in the items. One item you should be careful of purchasing is a used mattress. It can be easy for bed bugs to hide there and come out once you set up the mattress when you get home. 

Get Bed Bugs Out

As stated above, contact a pest control company to get rid of the bed bugs for you. If you try on your own and do not get rid of all the bed bugs, they can easily reinfest your home. Exterminators use different strategies to get the bed bugs out of your home. One treatment is known as heat treatment. Bed bugs hate heat, and if the temperature is high enough then it will kill them. The pest control contractor places heaters in the room and seals up the room. They will determine how long the heaters need to run. After the treatment, the pest control contractor will inspect the room to ensure all bed bugs were killed. 

The pest control company may put an encasement on your mattress, inject pesticide into crevices and cracks, or use pesticide dust. Pesticide sprays may also be used. It generally takes more than one treatment to kill all the bed bugs, especially if your home is infested with them. 

Talk with a pest control contractor while they are at your home to learn more.
