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3 Termite Control Methods For Subterranean Termites

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Termites are a potential threat to your home. There are preconstruction treatments that help keep termites away from new homes and post-construction treatments to keep termites away from older homes. You'll also find different termite control treatments for drywood and subterranean termites. Here's a look at three types of subterranean post-construction termite treatments.

1. Liquid Termiticide

Liquid termiticide can be used to kill an existing termite problem or as prevention. The liquid is applied next to the foundation of your home, along all four sides of your house, so the termiticide soaks into the soil. This kills subterranean insects as they tunnel through the soil to get inside your house.

Some termiticides last for several years. Be sure to note the longevity of the termiticide used by your pest control company so you can have it reapplied before its effectiveness wears off.

2. Bait Stations

Termite bait stations can be used in a couple of ways. The exterminator may load them with bait so any termite that comes across the station will be affected by the bait or even carry the bait back to the nest to infest others.

Some termite control companies may only load the bait stations with cellulose that won't kill the termites. The termites will then feed on it and give the exterminator a clue to their presence and number. Once termites are detected, the stations will be loaded with bait that kills off the colony when the termites carry it back home with them.

Termite bait stations are placed under the ground where subterranean termites come in contact with them as they dig through tunnels looking for food. They are spaced all around the perimeter of your home for the most protection. If necessary, the exterminator can drill into concrete to place a bait station.

Termite bait stations can be used for prevention and also to kill off termites that are already active. While the bait is effective at killing the colony, it may take a while, so baits aren't fast-acting.

3. Wall Injections

Subterranean termites may come up through your foundation and get between the walls of your house, where they slowly destroy the wood that supports your home. To get rid of these termites faster than using bait alone, the exterminator may inject the walls with insecticide.

The insecticide used for wall injections is often a foamy material that is able to spread up the wall and to the sides. This allows for wider coverage and better elimination of termites in the walls of your home.

Contact a professional to learn more about termite control
